SHAOXING HUAZHEN has made every effort to insure that information in our website is accurate and complete, however we are not responsible for errors, insufficiency or omissions. Because of our dedication to excellence and improvement, SHAOXING HUAZHEN reserved the right to change specifications at any time, without notice or obligation. Consult if certified dimensions and product specs are needed.
SHAOXING HUAZHEN Electronic Co., ltd will warranty all products against defect in workmanship for a period of 12 months from the date of original delivery. The SHAOXING HUAZHEN warranty applies only to the products that are installed and operating according to the purposes for which they were intended and designed, in accordance with SHAOXING HUAZHEN written instructions. This warranty will not cover those items that are misused, abused or misapplied by the customer. If any product is found to be defective upon examination by SHAOXING HUAZHEN, SHAOXING HUAZHEN will repair, replace, or issue credit, at its own discretion, through the original selling dealer or directly to the purchasing customer. SHAOXING HUAZHEN will not assume responsibility for labor costs (or any other additional costs) associated with the removal of defective product, cost of equipment downtime, or any other costs associated with the failure of the product (s).